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March 2024 Minutes






Thursday, March 21, 2024

Lloyd Cox called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm at Merrifield P & D C in Merrifield VA. The following officers were present: Lloyd Cox, President; Alice Jackson, VP of Customer Service; and Joanne Farmer, Secretary/Treasurer. Committee Chairs: Deborah Holley - Constitution/By-Laws; Harold Wade – Legislative; Andrew Martin – Membership, and James Reedy – Resolution. The following Officers and Committee Chairs were absent: Deborah Farmer, Junemarie Brandt, Kenneth Marshall, and Darcy Driscoll.

Richard Green, Eastern Regional Vice President, and Troy Griffith, Capitol Atlantic Area Vice President gave updates on Headquarters actions taken with the Postal Services and answered any questions we asked.

The agenda was read, and Harold Wade motioned to accept the minutes as read with any additional corrections; Alice Jackson 2nd; motion passed.

The minutes were read, and Deborah Holley motioned to accept the minutes as read with any necessary corrections; Bill White 2nd; motion passed.

The Treasury Report was read, and Alice Jackson motioned to accept the treasury report with any necessary corrections; Darryl Beasley 2nd; motion passed.

Committee Reports

Constitution and By-laws – Chair, Deborah Holley

No report

Legislative- Chair, Harold Wade

No report

Membership – Chair, Andrew Martin

No report

Benevolence – Chair, Darcy Driscoll

No report

Resolution – Chair, James Reedy

No report

Sargent-At-Arms – Chair, Kenneth (Kenny) Marshall

No report

Editor in Chief – June Marie Brandt

No report

Advocacy Reports

Darryl Beasley – no cases

Alice Jackson – LOW reduced to 7 months

Lloyd Cox – 1 Downgrade

William White – no cases

Joanne Farmer – 1 LOW reduced to 8 months, Mediations and the 7-Day reduced to one year in file.

Harold Wade – no cases

Deborah Holley –no cases

Old Business

The Legislation Training (LTS) was from March 3 to March 6, 2024, and was held at the Marriot Hotel, Arlington, VA. The overall comments about the LTS were very enjoyable, well-organized, and informative. The networking was outstanding as well as meeting with their congressperson. We work as a team to get the message and information to our congressperson. The Naps talking points and bills Naps are sponsored were reviewed and left with each Legislator’s office or aide.

Any Resolution must be turned in by May 31, 2024.

New Business

Alice Jackson made a motion to fund the Hospitality Room $2,500 at the National Convention; Yvette Merkison 2nd the motion; the motion passed.

At the next meeting, Deborah Holley will bring the design and price of the Pins for the National Convention.

Joanne Farmer motioned to send the Officers to the Pennsylvania State Convention on June 6 through 8 in Pittsburgh; Darryl Beasley 2nd the motion; the motion passed.

Lloyd Cox stated that we received letters from National Officers (Ivan Butt, Chuck Mulidore, Jimmy Warden, Richard Green, and Troy Griffith asking for support and contributions to their re-election campaign. The Executive Board suggested $5,000 for Ivan, 3,000 for Chuck, $1,500 for Jimmy, $1,500 for Richard, and $1,500 for Troy. James Parks made a motion to support the current National Officers running for re-elected for the amount suggested by the Executive Board; Alice Jackson 2nd the motion; the motion passed.

Final Comments from the President

Lloyd Cox stated if there are any members not getting the postal supervisor, Naps national magazine or emails from him, update your email and home address with us or Naps headquarters. Do visit our local branch 526 website. Lloyd thanks everyone for attending the first in-person meeting since 2019. The next branch meeting will be in person at the Merrifield Plant room 108. The next meeting will be on the third

Thursday in May (5/16/24), zooming will not be an option. The $50 attendance prize is back with in-person meetings again.

William (Bill) White won the $50 raffle drawing for attending the meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made at 8:31 pm by Rose Allen and second by Darryl Beasley; the motion passed.


Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Farmer




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